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There are many opportunities to help families outside of construction. Behind the scenes are 10 busy committees working on various elements of the Habitat for Humanity mission.


All the committees are staffed by volunteers and many of them have openings just for you. 

Whether you chose to partner with one of our potential families, help our grants committee find our next grant, or help our site selection committee find our next build site, there are plenty of ways for you to get involved. 


Below is a list of our committees. If one or more of them sounds exciting to you and you would like to be part of forming Habitat’s future in Erie, please fill out the committee interest form and someone will contact you with further details.

Church Relations

(Actively Recruiting)


As a Christian ministry, this committee is tasked with keeping us grounded in our Christianity by providing devotional materials, pipelines for volunteers and potential families. The Faith Builds are coordinated through this committee.

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